Sales Representation Services

"Can my products work in Vietnam? Can I find the right distributor to work with?" Is it truly about the quantity of import on your first shipment or the quality of propagating and marketing your product awareness in this new foreign market, to ensure a more stable, measurable, and healthy growth of sales?

How do I register our products in Vietnam?

Our company works with foreign manufacturers in assisting them in importing their products into Vietnam for distribution in the various sales channels.

We provide a comprehensive sales strategy with the key objective of bringing awareness of new products into the Vietnam market through different sales channels by identifying their target market. Each product has its specific target market.

From HORECA, Food Manufacturers, Modern Trade, Hospitality, and Ecommerce sales with our organic Ecommerce website and through third party vendors such as grab and more.

COVID-19 does create an impetus and creates a strong reminder to everyone of the need for a healthy balanced diet. Vegan is not vegetarian in the manner of speaking. It's a healthy alternative diet of choice to balance one diet of high meat consumption daily. Vegan nuggets for example can be a choice to the growth hormone-injected chicken nuggets as well for HORECA and the hospitality segment.